Organized by Yayasan Asa Sehati Indonesia, the first ever Jakarta ChildAid Asia Charity Concert was succesfully held on the 30th of July 2016 at Usmar Ismail Hall. The concert has raised fund to help and support the arts education for the less fortunate children.23
Second instalment of Jakarta ChildAid Asia was succesfully held on 23th of September 2017 at Balai Sarbini. More than 20 youth from Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia performed and delivered an amazing showcase for more than 600 audiences.
Jakarta ChildAid Asia 2020 was held on 18th January 2020 at Usmar Ismail Hall. 80 talented youth from Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines performed in 90 minutes concert and amazed all audiences.
ChildAid Asia is bringing together talented children performers who worked hard to raise funds for other children who are less fortunate, so that they too may have an oppurtunity for an arts education.
In addition to being a platform to showcase artistic talent, this regional platform will help provide an oppurtunity for the children and young adults to gain additional performing experience in foreign lands, as well as for then to build new friendships with other children from countries in the region, and help to promote goodwill and friendship among them, our future generation.
to help children who are under privileged to get support and training in the performing art field
We need your support for our scholarship program.
You can find out more information of our scholarship program (BERSENI) here.